Atleigh has contracted some sort of stomach bug. I've been puked on three times in as many days. Twice in my cupped palms. This weekend has sucked. I thought the puking was done- none at all yesterday or all day today- until tonight, when I tried to get her to eat a banana. Incidentally, all she has eaten since Friday night is: 3 pizza rolls (which ended up on my pants), a handful of mini saltine crackers, a cup of applesauce, 5 bites of a waffle, and said banana. She ate about two thirds of it before she bit off too much. I suppose her gag reflex was sensitive, because as soon as I realized she was struggling, and tried to "swipe" it from her mouth, she vomited. Into my hands. Chewed up banana. Lovely. Freaking. Lovely. Couple that with a fever ranging between 101 and almost 104, and you could say that the past few days have been far from ideal. Thankfully the fever broke this morning. Now if I can only convince her that food does not equal poison and vomiting.
I'm saying all this so you'll feel sorry for me. Do you?

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