Today’s snow day makes last week’s look like a joke. There are 4' long icicles hanging outside my bathroom window, providing the curtain I’ve yet to put up in the three years we’ve lived in this house. I guess I’m just not overly concerned with being spotted in my altogether. Our poor oversized Christmas blow-up bears are mired down, struggling vainly to stand up- the polar bear had a rip that Jeremy duct taped last week, and the weight of the snow has ripped it back open. I’m not sure if he’ll risk surgery again, or just call time of death. Atleigh’s Little Tykes infant swing has turned into a blue bucket holding 13 inches of snow, suspended on frozen yellow ropes.

Jeremy, my brave man, is out shoveling the walk right now. He’s sick as a dog, but we left our stocking candy from his mom in the Jeep, and apparently, his craving for Hot Tamales outweighs his borderline bronchitis. And I wouldn’t say no to my Cookies N Cream bar I’ve been dreaming about since yesterday.
The kids are making plans for snowmen and snow cream and snowball fights... All activities must involve snow. Their uncle and grandma brought them some wonderful snow boots. Chloe loves hers, pink and black with white fur. She thinks they make her faster and stronger. Ashton says his make him look like he’s nine. We haven’t set foot outside all day. I don’t plan to, if I can help it. I love to look at snow, but I don’t like to walk in it. Jeremy is our snow parent. I’m much more of a “Oh you poor dears, come inside before you catch your death of cold!” type of parent. I throw pajamas in the dryer and keep it running until they come back inside, so they have something warm to change into.
We just ate chicken quesadillas, burning Christmas tree scented candles and listening to Mumford & Sons. If you haven’t listened to this band, you must. You absolutely must. They are incredible. I have a self made rule about not listening to anything other than Christmas music from November to Christmas; but in the midst of Bing Crosby, Trans-Siberian Orchestra, and The Vince Guaraldi Trio, I was counting the days until I could listen to Mumford & Sons again. No small praise.
Tonight I might make chocolate chip cookies or cinnamon rolls. I’m a scant 200 pages from finishing my book, so maybe I’ll do that too. All in all, being snowed in hasn’t been so very terrible.
Welcome to Michigan winter without the advantage of snowplows, scrapers & salt! I can just picture Chloe being faster and wow, Ashton 9!
ReplyDeleteWhat a great mom to have warm 'jammies' waiting when coming in from the frozen tundra.
Sounds like a plan: chocolate chip cookies, a book and kids snuggled in warm jammies.